Friday, April 08, 2011

Vodka and Vanilla?

After being introduced to the amazing thermomix I just had to learn more about this clever little machine and discovered this forum. There was a discussion about making your own vanilla extract using vanilla beans and vodka, so vodka and 12 vanilla beans purchased and I now have a vanilla infused vodka in my kitchen cupboard. Now this process doesn't happen overnight in fact it will be 6 months before my vanilla extract will be ready for use! I also have to remember to shake the bottle daily so have placed it next to my dish washing liquid, so I will see it and hopefully remember to do this.

Did I buy the thermomix after all that, well no as it does have a very expensive little price tag which is why I am doing my homework well and truly before I purchase so any comments negative and/or positive, I would love to hear them.


2paw said...

Oh you are so organised, I have read about making your own extract. I will be so interested to see how it turns out!!

Ann said...

My cousin bought one & she loves it. They have smoothies every morning & she makes soups & many other stuff in that machine.